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It depends on where you currently stand with your creditors. Once we assess that we can better give you an estimate.
The amount of debt you owe on your credit card is one of the biggest factors affecting your credit score.
Debt settlement reduces the amount of your outstanding balance, while with debt consolidation you may lower your payments but you will still pay back the full balance on your debts.
Family owned and operated. Our consultants, accountants and lawyers have over 60 years of collective experience in the industry. Our number one goal is to satisfy every client that hires us. No runaround no stories, we give you straight answers.We know that the key to success is offering premium customer service and great results.
Someone that has at least $10,000 in unsecured debt. There's no better time to start than right now! click here.
Copyright © 2024 DOD Debt Relief Company - All Rights Reserved. DISCLAIMER: Please note that all calls with the company may be recorded or monitored for quality assurance and training purposes. Any and all claims of success are based on debts identified to us during enrollment. Not every type of debt is eligible for enrollment. the client’s ability to save sufficient funds during our process is a key factor to success. To this, not every client will see success, as well as for other reasons. Any estimated successful claim is based on prior results, which varies based on each clients’ specific circumstances. We cannot guarantee that all debts will be lowered by any specified amount or percentage or that one will be cleared of debt within a specific timeframe. We do not assume any debt whatsoever. Nor do we make any monthly payments to creditors on the client’s behalf. Nor do we provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice or credit repair services. Our service may not be available in all states. Please contact a tax professional to discuss tax consequences of any settlement. Please consult with a bankruptcy attorney for more information on any type of bankruptcy. Depending on your state, we may be available to recommend a local tax professional and/or bankruptcy attorney. Please read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment, including potential adverse impact on credit rating. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.
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